view tests/test-copy2 @ 3455:c8686e3f0291

Testing the new changegroupsubset remote function in the ssh and http protocols.
author Eric Hopper <>
date Wed, 18 Oct 2006 02:14:26 -0500
parents 94f38724283f
line wrap: on
line source


hg init
echo foo > foo
hg add foo
hg commit -m1 -d"0 0"

echo "# should show copy"
hg copy foo bar
hg debugstate|grep '^copy'

echo "# shouldn't show copy"
hg commit -m2 -d"0 0"
hg debugstate|grep '^copy'

echo "# should match"
hg debugindex .hg/data/foo.i
hg debugrename bar

echo bleah > foo
echo quux > bar
hg commit -m3 -d"0 0"

echo "# should not be renamed"
hg debugrename bar

hg copy -f foo bar
echo "# should show copy"
hg debugstate|grep '^copy'
hg commit -m3 -d"0 0"

echo "# should show no parents for tip"
hg debugindex .hg/data/bar.i
echo "# should match"
hg debugindex .hg/data/foo.i
hg debugrename bar

echo "# should show no copies"
hg debugstate|grep '^copy'

exit 0