view body-hercules-s390.html @ 10:1d96f0b77f23

revamp of the build system + zvm-centos4 howto begining
author Josef 'Jeff' Sipek <>
date Sun, 31 Aug 2008 18:56:26 -0400
children 82b4c40a4f5c
line wrap: on
line source

<h2>Let's get started</h2>

If you follow this HOWTO, at the end of it you'll have:

<img src="hercules-s390/final-system.png" alt="Linux on S/390" />

Yes, that's debian running on an IBM System/390 box. Very emulated one, but
still wonderful enough to keep around :)

The following howto assumes, that you know at least a little bit of:
	<li>Debian installer on say i386 or x86_64</li>
	<li>General networking knowledge</li>
	<li>General Linux knowledge</li>

The following software is required:
	<li>iptables - to NAT the emulated machine (or machines!)</li>
	<li>ssh client</li>
	<li>hercules - the emulator itself</li>

On my laptop (3.06GHz Pentium 4, 1GB RAM) the install take about 3 hours (2
hours for minimal system, and about an hour extra for what Debian considers
some useful packages). The minimal install downloads about 66MB, and the
additional software is about 42MB on top of that.


First, let's set up a place to do all the work:

$ mkdir zlinux
$ cd zlinux
$ mkdir dasd rdr prt

Wonderful. Now, let's get the images from which we will IPL (IPL stands for
Initial Program Load, and it is effectively the &quot;boot&quot; process).

There are a number of distros that support S/390 hardware, but only one of
them is worth trying on any platform -
<a href="">Debian</a> :)

So, point your browser to the mirror nearest you, navigate to this rather
long path:

and grab these files:

I used Debian 4.0r2 to write this howto, but a newer version should work
just as well.

Save them into the <pre>rdr</pre> directory. The first two files' names
gives away their contents - the first is an initrd, and the second is the
kernel image itself. The last file contains the kernel command line options,
which on systems like i386, you specify via a keyboard to the bootloader.

Any serious emulator allows you to specify the exact system configuration
via a config file. Hercules is no exception. Save the following in
<pre>zlinux/s390.cnf</pre> or similar.

CPUSERIAL 000069        # CPU serial number
CPUMODEL  9672          # CPU model number
MAINSIZE  256           # Main storage size in megabytes
XPNDSIZE  0             # Expanded storage size in megabytes
CNSLPORT  3270          # TCP port number to which consoles connect
NUMCPU    2             # Number of CPUs
LOADPARM  0120....      # IPL parameter
OSTAILOR  LINUX         # OS tailoring
PANRATE   SLOW          # Panel refresh rate (SLOW, FAST)
ARCHMODE  ESAME         # Architecture mode ESA/390 or ESAME

# .-----------------------Device number
# |     .-----------------Device type
# |     |       .---------File name and parameters
# |     |       |
# V     V       V
#---    ----    --------------------

# console
001F    3270

# terminal
0009    3215

# reader
000C    3505    ./rdr/kernel.debian ./rdr/parmfile.debian ./rdr/initrd.debian autopad eof

# printer
000E    1403    ./prt/print00e.txt crlf

# dasd
0120    3390    ./dasd/3390.LINUX.0120
0121    3390    ./dasd/3390.LINUX.0121

# tape
0581    3420

# network                               s390     realbox
0A00,0A01  CTCI -n /dev/net/tun -t 1500

The top part of the config file specifies the processor features, and the
bottom part specifies devices attached. Each device has a device number
(left more column), a device type (middle column), and optionally arguments
(right column). I'd suggest you read a bit of information from the Hercules
website or many other websites dedicated to the IBM System/390 and zSeries
architectures. It is just far too much to explain here.

One thing to note, if your real hardware has only one core, you may want to
change the NUMCPU to 1.

Another thing you may want to change is the last line, which defines a
Channel To Channel (CTC, see internet for description of what Channels are)
device which will be used as a network bridge to allow the virtual machine
access to the LAN and therefore the internet. The first IP address is the
address that the virtual machine running s/390 linux will use, and the
second address is one which will be used by the real hardware. This means,
that the real box will have <strong>two</strong> IP addresses. Go ahead, and
use any <strong>valid</strong> addresses in the non-routable range or (this is not a networking guide, so go to the
net if you need help with it). Once we start the emulator, it will set up a
tun/tap device on the real box which will be connected to the ctc device
within S/390.

Next step is to generate the DASD devices. DASD stands for Direct Access
Storage Device, and it is the S/390 name for very beefed up versions of
&quot;disks&quot;. For details on how DASD works, see the internet.

We defined two so called packs. The first, device number 120, will contain
the root file system, and the second, device 121, will contain your home
directory. Execute the following two commands in the dasd directory. Each
will create a file about 2.7GB in size.

$ dasdinit -lfs -linux 3390.LINUX.0120 3390-3 LIN120  # /
$ dasdinit -lfs -linux 3390.LINUX.0121 3390-3 LIN121  # /home

Congratulations! You are ready to start the emulator now. Since, the default
configuration on any reasonable Linux box will require you to be root to set
up tun/tap connections, let's start hercules as root with the config file:

# hercules -f s390.cnf

You should see something that looks like this:

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-console.png" alt="Hercules console" />

It is safe to ignore the &quot;tun0: Operation not supported&quot; message.

Now, by default, the emulated network interface is not routed through, the
following commands will take care of things if you use 10.1.1.x IP addresses
as I do:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE  
# iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
# echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/proxy_arp

If for more information about the networking, look at any number of the
networking guides on the internet.

Ok, now it is time to load the program - time to IPL! In Hercules, type
<pre>ipl c</pre> and press enter. This tells the emulator to start executing
the program from device <pre>000C</pre> which happens to be the card reader!

Now you should see the Linux kernel booting - the installer to be exact :)

Wait until you see:

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-installer-netdev.png" />

Wonderful! The installer is asking us to select the type of the network
interface. Select ctc (Channel to Channel - for description of what exactly
channels are, see plenty of other documentation on the subject) by typing:
<pre>.1</pre> Note, that the dot is important. Without the dot, anything you
type will be interpreted by Hercules (the emulator). The dot tells Hercules
to send the remainder of the string to the emulated system.

Now, you have to define the end-points for this virtual network interface:
Select read ctc device: <pre>.1</pre>

Select write ctc device: <pre>.2</pre>

Select protocol - s/390: <pre>.1</pre>

Now, enter the IP addresses for the end-points (must match the IP
addresses in the .cnf file).

Enter s390 box IP: <pre>.</pre>

Enter host box IP: <pre>.</pre>

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-installer-netdev-setup.png" />

Enter DNS server IP - choose the same your non-virtual system uses (see
/etc/resolv.conf): <pre>.x.x.x.x</pre>

Enter hostname: <pre>.s390</pre>

Enter your domain name; to specify no domain name, you need to enter the empty
string, but due to the way Hercules handles input, you will need to enter a
dot followed by a space): <pre>.home</pre>

Alright! Now, just sit back, and wait until your system generates a SSH key.
This will take a few minutes.

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-installer-ssh-keygen.png" />

Before long, the installer will ask you for a password for the remainder of
the install process, just enter anything: <pre>.foo</pre>

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-installer-passwd.png" />

Re-enter it to make sure. Yes, you can see the password in plain-text, but
the installer wants it anyway :)

When you see

<img src="hercules-s390/herc-installer-phase1done.png" />

you'll know you are on the right track! Now, open a new terminal, and ssh
into installer@, if everything you did was right, ssh will ask you
for a password.

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-passwd.png" />

Remember that you are using ssh which encrypts everything, and therefore
things will be slow.

Once you enter the right password, a more familiar looking Debian installer
will start up:

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-menu1.png" />

Select: <strong>start menu</strong>

Select your country and a suitable mirror.

Leave the proxy information blank unless you have some special proxy setup.

Now you should see:

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-download-release-file.png" />,

and shortly after, several installation components will get downloaded

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-downloading-udebs.png" />

Just be patient and wait...or maybe go get some non-caffeinated beverage,
because chances are you've been sipping on that coffee/tea since the
beginning of the installation. :)

Once everything is downloaded, you'll be presented with a config screen for

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-dasd1.png" />

DASD is &quot;Direct Access Storage Device&quot; - yes Debian calls it
&quot;<strong>Disk</strong> access storage device&quot; oh well, they are wrong.

You'll see two DASD packs, 0.0.0120 and 0.0.0121. The first will be used for
the system root and the second for your /home.

Select the first, on the next screen, you'll be asked if you want to format
it, say no. You'll get back to the DASD menu:

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-dasd2.png" />,

Select the other device (121), and do not format it. (If you happen to say
yes to formating, all that'll do it waste a lot of your time doing IO.
However, nothing bad will happen.)

Once both volumes are configured, select &quot;Finish&quot;.

The following screen

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-partition1.png" />

should seem familiar to anyone who installed Debian before and chose manual
partitioning. You want to create one partition on each DASD, both ext2 to
avoid &quot;double-journaling&quot;, and save some clock cycles.

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-partition2.png" />

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-partition3.png" />

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-partition4.png" />

Confirm the changes:

<img src="hercules-s390/ssh-partition5.png" />

Now the ext2 filesystems will get created on the DASD packs.

Since we didn't define any swap space, the installer will ask us if we want
to go back to the partitioner, we don't want to go back because we know what
we are doing ;)

The next few questions have to do with locale (country &amp; timezone), so just
answer them to the best of your ability.

The next question is the password for root - use something you'll remember

Following is a series of questions about creating a new user (non-root)
account; so create yourself an account. Once you finish, the installer will
spend quite some time installing all the packages. At the end, you will be
asked if you want to reboot your computer. Say that you do. When the system
stops, in the Hercules console, enter <pre>ipl 120</pre>. Now, wait a bit,
and after not too long, try to ssh into <strong>username@</strong>
(where username is what you entered during the non-root user account
creation). You should get a shell. It is Linux. It is a mainframe. It is
<strong>yours</strong>. Have fun! :)

When you've had enough fun for the day, just shutdown the Linux system
(halt, shutdown, whatever way you prefer), and then run <pre>quit</pre> in
the Hercules window.

If you decide to play with a system you already installed, start Hercules:

<pre># hercules -f s390.cnf</pre>

Set up iptables:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE  
# iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT
# echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/proxy_arp

and IPL from device 120 (the system DASD):

<pre>ipl 120</pre>

When Linux starts up, you should be able to SSH in without any problems.

The system you now have is running with a 31-bit kernel. If you want a
64-bit kernel, simply run:

# aptitude install kernel-image-2.6-s390x

This will install the right image, and set up zIPL (the bootloader) to do
the right thing. The original kernel image will remain installed, and you
can select it in the bootloader (right after you issue ipl on the Hercules

<h2>Final Note</h2>
I hope this HOWTO helped you get started with a mainframe of your own. I
tried to be as accurate and specific with the details where I thought it was
necessary - the S/390 specific parts. If you have any suggestions, or
comments (content, spelling, etc.) feel free to contact me via email:
<a href=""></a>.

<h2>Full history</h2>